
I’ve pondered this day about characters. People are characters and they are all over the planet. Are you a character? I beg your pardon, yes you are a character. Have you ever heard someone say, “that guy is a character,” or “she sure is a character, that one,” or how about, “he has a lot of character.” How in the world can you have character and be a character at the same time? Maybe you are setting around at a party and a certain character say something and you remark to a friend with a sound like, ppffffff, man is that guy a character? I’ve come to realize that I am a character, like it or not. Oh by the way, I don’t like the way certain people pronounce character. They pronounce it and it sounds like, carac a ture. Sounds stupid to me. Happy pondering!


I was invited recently, by email, by one of my friends that I graduated with many moons ago, to come to a “shindig.” I read the email all the way through and for some reason the only thing I could focus on was the word “shindig.” As I often do with words that grab my attention I started my, “Word Pondering.”

Whoever came up with the word, “shindig?” Was the word made up by an elected Word Czar long, long ago? How old could the word, “shindig” be? What classifies as a shindig? Are shins valueable? Did people go around searching for shins and dig them up because of their value? The only shins I’m familiar with is the one’s we have as part of our legs. Surely people didn’t go around digging up bodies to get their shins, and if so, what in the world would they do with them? I wonder if back in the past people needed shin transplants. I’ve never heard of the need, but maybe it was so. If shins weren’t needed to replace broken or worn out shins, then maybe shins were like a coin used as money many years ago. I think I’m going to have to ask my friend if she is secretly involved in a club that goes around under the cover of darkness with a large group of people hunting and digging up shins.

Figure Skating

What determines if a person is a figure skater? Do you have to have a figure to skate, or does one have to be able to figure, (you know..1+5=6). Several times I recall people saying, “Go figure.” Does it mean go figure skating or go somewhere and figure? What if you don’t have a figure? Will you still be able to skate? I would think so, but not at a figure skating rink. What type of figure does a figure skater have to have? Is there a standardized cut out of the qualifying figure posted at all skating rinks to see if you have the proper figure? I believe if you have a figure, and can figure, surely you would be considered a figure skater.